Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

A Warning and Moreover

It’s funny how someone can be a really different person when they’re disappointed and angry. I found this note I wrote to remind me not to make the same mistake for the third times. Hahaha.

I remember I was relieved after I wrote this warning. Writing is such a reliever. :)


Jerk! You are a jerk!

How could you do that to me? I can still feel my last pain. A pain caused by another jerk; the previous jerk. I didn’t see it coming. Never thought you’ll bring another pain, jerk. Never thought you’re just another jerk, happen to my life.

Why oh why should I fall for a jerk?

Am I a jerk magnet or what?

I want my revenge. Yet I am not good at revenge or harm. That’s why it’s so easy to scratch me and give me some pain. Right, jerks?

How many jerk should I encounter before the right one (not-so-jerk) finds me?

Is it wrong? That I tend to like the jerk one instead of the right one? It’s just me or I’m just exactly like most girls in this full-of-jerk world?

Well in that case my friend please be careful. I’m here to remind you. Those jerks belong in hell. Don’t let them drag you to their hell-o. Even though, they are coming in super good looking Adonis face and sexy body package; you should say no! I know, it’s hard to resist. But it’s for your own good. They are self-centered and only bring pain. Don’t get fooled by their smile. THE Smile, it’s they’re dead recipe. They all know that they have charming smile. Trust me, they know. They’re not puppies. Stop treats them like a cute little dog, because they are not.

By: angry me

A warning has been declared. Just wait and see whether it is working or not.


Okay, an angry warning is one thing. But moreover, something tickle me.

Did it ever cross your mind that the charm is an enigmatic thing? You must’ve heard about prince charming in so many Disney fairy tales, those self-help books /self-improvement blog talking about how to be charming, or even try google-terjemahan to see that there are so many translation of charm.


  1. pesona
  2. daya tarik
  3. jimat
  4. kecantikan
  5. keelokan
  6. daya penarik
  7. guna-guna
  8. daya pemikat
  9. keluwesan
  10. anting-anting
  11. sihir
  12. aji


  1. mempesona
  2. menawan
  3. menawan hati
  4. mempesonakan
  5. menambat hati
  6. memanterai
  7. menawari
  8. punya kekuatan gaib

Yeah, scary huh? You see even charm translates as jimat, aji, sihir, memantrai, anting-anting (?), or even guna-guna (not gula-gula). Hmm and since it’s not a science project or literature and definitely not a thesis, won’t cause any harm if I peek at the Wikipedia:


I found that there is a psychology perspective about charm, to be exact: Superficial charm. I should really look for the real book for this at the library. But from what I read, the Wikipedia said it is a common manipulative using positive reinforcement. It is entirely insincere. It is an important attribute of psychopathic personalities. It is often used by abusers early on in an abusive relationship to attract and groom the abused person.

Oh feel like I’m going too far and too negative about this charm issue. Okay let’s be clear once again. We’re talking about charm. I believe there’s more literature about this, if you don’t believe in me, you can Google it (yea right). But what I’m trying to say (and trying to think with this little brain of mine), charm is enigmatic. Enigmatic means confusing, full of riddle, and really tempting to solve.

Charm describes the word itself. Just so you know I’m no philosopher, but if you ask me I rather describe my perspective in old way, a parable. Remember how they use bee-flower as a man-woman. That the woman is a flower waiting for the bee/man to come? Well let’s try my perspective.

Do you know Dionaea muscipula Or Venus flytrap? It’s the same thing by the way. The Venus flytrap is a small plant whose structure can be described as a rosette of four to seven leaves, which arise from a short subterranean stem that is actually a bulb-like object. Each stem reaches a maximum size of about three to ten centimeters, depending on the time of year; longer leaves with robust traps are usually formed after flowering. Flytraps that have more than 7 leaves are colonies formed by rosettes that have divided beneath the ground.

Tired of reading the explanation of Venus flytrap? That’s okay, I’ll make it short. It is a plant that eat fly.

(Thanks for the Botanical Society of America for making me inspired)

What does a plant has anything to do with charm?

Yes that’s exactly a good point. You see, first of all this mysterious plant has a mechanism of trapping, just like “charm”. So it is stated charm is some kind of trap. Wait; don’t think in a bad way. Not finish, guys.

Second, sorry to say. In this point, I must say that the charm one just like a Venus flytrap doesn’t have to be a bee that goes here and there. On contrary, they have a very dangerous technique, the invitation. They just stay (yes! That’s the charm!) And wait for the fly (prey) to come. Hah! Clever trick!

Third, both charm and Venus flytrap are dangerous for the prey. For the prey only. The trapping mechanism is so specialized that it can distinguish between living prey and non-prey stimuli such as falling raindrops. I can’t believe I say this, but the trap only work if you worth to catch and not just a plain falling raindrops (I can’t categorize it as a good thing or not).

Okay. I think that’s enough similarity between the charm and Venus flytrap. But what’s the point of making an argument without giving any suggestion, right?

The most important thing for us is to recognize this charm. Do you know the rule to solve a problem? You must clear that there is a problem. So if you find certain person/things/ is charming and suddenly it becomes dangerous because you get some symptoms, yes there is a problem. I’m not talking about being in love, it’s totally different cause love won’t make you hurt or in pain. But charm might bring pain.

So if the charm brings you a pain. I give you a trick to fight back their strategy.

If an insect is too large it will stick out of the trap. This allows bacteria and molds on the insect to thrive. Eventually the trap turns black, rots and falls off.

So the answer is be too large! The Venus flytrap can’t eat a too large prey, neither the charm. You have to think that you worth more than the charm. Hah! Get yourself loaded, not with food but with confident to tackle the charm. No harm. Just be a too large prey that the charm/ Venus flytrap cannot handle. So they will give up, turns black, rots and falls off!

By: not-so-angry-me

This complicated way of thinking is coming from a girl who supposes to be finishing her thesis right now. It’s totally okay if you are not agree or want to give me some feedback. (Anger or harm is not welcome)

2 komentar:

  1. AWESOME!Keep going.

  2. poor you

    but just like my mom said (and i believe your mom said the same thing) it's better to forgive, than to resent someone.

    ps: love actually hurts, you don't know anything yet
