Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Midnight Skype

1st meets 2nd. It is just a simple sharing in midnight Skype conversation.

(Web camera: on)

(1st) “Have you ever fall for the wrong person? Once or twice? In my case I always fall for the wrong person. I tend to choose the wrong object of affection. Somehow I good at it. Good at wrong. This whole mess starts when I was younger, a silly teenager. My very first mistake, an unfinished business, even until now. I was in a relationship with my first boyfriend in college, and I fall for my best friend. Twisted. Never saw that coming. It happened when my boyfriend at that time was away to Europe for vacation. I started hang out with this guy I used to call a friend, and then become my best bud. Until, he hold my hand after we went to a movie. Shewtttt. I feel strange, because I was having butterfly in my belly because my best bud held my hand. I must admit, I was strangely happy, very happy. Wait; was it cheating or an affair? I didn’t know. I was too happy back then. What a silly girl I was. Hmm anyway, turned out it ruined our friendship and my relationship. Hahaha. What a lesson!”

(2nd)”Hahahaha, you get yourself right. A silly girl! Hmm, let me think. Ah, I get this experience. Just like you, a wild college time. I fall for this hot-and-cold-kind of guy. He was a blast from the past. I never consider him as one of my-boyfriend-to-be. Hah! Talking about those checks list: good looking, hot body, romantic, gentleman, same religion, caring, good job, etc. None! He was failed from the beginning. Hahaha. He was rude, selfish, spoilt, yet made me fall. Fall for his honesty and sarcasm. D*mn. He’s different. He’s nothing like all the guys around me. He’s nothing like all my ex-boyfriend. He’s bad. He’s completely a disaster in my peaceful life. And I was glad he came, I guess. He brought this rollercoaster sensation. He’s there and he’s gone. Do you know Katy Perry’s song? Hot and cold. Gosh, I was so kiddo, sang that song over and over again especially at karaoke time with my girls. Well he was my Indian summer in the middle of a winter. But due to religion stuff, I pull myself back. Not healthy and too dangerous. Oh, did I tell you I was engaged back then? Lol.”

(1st) “You’re crazy! I was a stupid teenager but you were somebody’s fiancée back then. Wild! Roar! Lol. Hmm, and so my fall record continue. I did fall for my teacher. Can you imagine? Not too original, eh? But I fall for him like crazy. You know, at first I saw him as plain boring teacher, until he started teaching. I can see passion in his eyes, and for me it is too sexy too handle. I can feel his warmth from the back of the class. And when he called my name and smile, my heart beats heavily. I was so worry, I thought I could get a heart attack. I always study hard at his class. Never missed one. I was so bright and became totally crazy. I googled him, stalked his facebook, followed his twitter, anything! And I found out he was married to this woman. It hit me. I cried. So emo, euww-ing myself now you know. It took time to get over him. Not that easy, even though we never had a real relationship. It was all me, tango by myself. Do you know what I did? I kept looking at him every time I got a chance. Cause I had this theory, if you stare at someone continuously you’ll find him (him-in my case) not so attractive anymore. So I stare at him, and he was so cute! I was under his spell. Dang! Lol yeah, I still have a lil crush for him until now..”

(2nd)” Married guy???? Puhleasseeeeee. Back off! It’s an alarm, stay away! But I bet he had this mature guy aura. Lol. I always wanted an older guy you know. They settled and mature, somebody I could trust my life to.. Then he came along just like a song and brightens up my day. YES! A kid. Far from my dream. Hahahaha, not a kid, kid. I mean he was younger than me. He was a junior at my office. I was chosen to train him, well not only him but group of newbie. And he’s one of them. Nothing, trust me, nothing happened at that time. I mean, he was good looking and stuff but he’s like never cross my mind. And my best friend likes him a lot. A lot. So just leave him to her. I didn’t care. Years passed and I just broke up with my boyfriend when I got an email from my cutie junior. The point is that email changed many things. Hahahaha. Mostly good things. It was fun and breathtaking until I knew he was in a relationship with the boss’s daughter. Hey, how can I beat the owner of the company? Whatever. Not so whatever actually, I lost concentration at job, I showed bad performance at work and I was fired. Thanks to that cutie junior. I fall for him.” *sigh.

(1st) “No waaayyyyyyyyy! You lost your job? What a fall! Guess we girls have to watch our heart from a cute junior!”

(2nd) “..and a married guy!”

(1st) “..and a hot-and-cold-guy! Especially when bad news stamp on his forehead.”

(2nd)”.. and our best bud!”

(1st and 2nd) lol

*yawn. Time to go sleep.

(Web camera: off) oh well, this is the last thing I can do to have fun with no internet connection for days. Midnight Skype with yourself, anyone? :)

2 komentar:

  1. egisss...sounds so real eh? hahaha

  2. hahahahaa..
    terlalu nyata untuk dijadikan fiksi.
    hihiy. peace gis. =P
